Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Standards of Human Sexuality

As we have been told for many years from our upbringing, society, and history.

The list of standards of human sexuality:

1. what motivated prehuman males to "invest" in a particular female and her children.
2. male sexual jealousy and the double standard concerning male versus female sexual autonomy;
3. the oft-repeated "fact" that the timing of women's ovulation is "hidden";
4. the inexplicably compelling breasts of the human female;
5. her notorious deceptiveness and treachery, source of many country and blues classics;
6. and of course, the human male's renowned eagerness to screw anything with legs--an equally rich source of musical material.

Assumptions of our sexuality, men and women
-the relatively weak female libido
-male parental investment (MPI)
-sexual jealousy and paternity certainty
-extended receptivity and concealed (or cryptic) ovulation

Source: Sex at Dawn, Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha

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