Saturday, April 2, 2011

Repression & Sex

"Repression needs no intelligence in the first place; any idiot can do it. In fact, only idiots do it...Nature intends you to know (sex) in as many ways as possible, because what you can know from one woman you cannot know from another woman...So I am for all the trouble, the anguish, the anxiety, the despair...These troubles are not because love has gone, these are because you are idiotic."

-New Age teacher Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (The Rajneesh Bible)


  1. um... that makes no sense. repression is an unconscious process. no one does it on purpose, and you don't even know when you're doing it, because (again) it's unconscious. also, it's definitely not true that "only idiots do it." this quote sort of confirms for me that my disdain for the new-age movement is well-founded.

  2. Aurelia, Can you explain what you mean by "an unconscious process"? Isn't it our responsibility to be aware of our actions and know why we do the things we do?
