Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sexual Balance

As individuals we create events within our life that can help us develop and learn. I also believe that as a society we can create events through our combined consciousness, these events can serve for us to grow and learn together. This is how I have chosen to view the recent events surrounding Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly and his comments on women, and inadvertently men.

Race and religion aside, this whole event is offering us an experience to look at the balance between male and female energies. How we deal with these on an individual level and then how does this work on a social scale.

We have traditional roles and expectations of male and female energies. Masculinity is often seen as strength, protection, aggression and the warrior. Feminity is traditionally soft, gentle, nurturing and the goddess. If we express any qualities that are defined as outside the “guidelines” of our biology we can be ridiculed and even ostracised. This has been key in many supressing their homosexuality as they try to fit into society.

If we can stop and understand even basic biology we will see that even on a chemical level we all have aspects of male and female within us. Male and females both have oestrogen and testosterone. It is the levels of each that differs between the sexes. We both carry an X chromosome, it is the addition of the Y or X from the sperm that determines sex. However there are many combinations ranging from the XY and XX to XXY, XYY and so on that are possible. The blends that occur at our cellular level are many, yet as beings we are divided into two simple groups.

As new energy develops and our consciousness expands can we now truly own and love whatever the blend is that we have chosen for ouselves to experience in this lifetime? For me this means embracing whatever qualities I know are being true to my heart without the overlay of filtering how I believe I should be interacting with society because I was born a woman. I breathe that limitation away.

When we can start to accept ourselves and live our life breathing our worthiness and value we create an energy around us that people respond to. Sure some people may still feel uncomfortable but we know this is about their fears and limitations. Others in turn will find strength from your example.

This is neither a feminist or homosexual stance. This is a human being stance.

Accept yourself, love yourself first and foremost. This is the foundation of compassion. For when we accept ourselves we can then truly respect and honour others. Just imagine that energy flowing around society.


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