Saturday, June 25, 2011


All the virtuous deeds and merit,
Such as giving and making offerings,
That we have accumulated over thousands of aeons
Can be destroyed by just one moment of anger.

There is no evil greater than anger.
And no virtue greater than patience.
Therefore, I should strive in various ways
To become familiar with the practice of patience.

If I harbour painful thoughts of anger,
I shall not experience mental peace,
I shall find no joy or happiness,
And I shall be unsettled and unable to sleep.

Overcome by a fit of anger,
I might even kill a benefactor
Upon whose kindness I depend
For my wealth or reputation.

Anger causes friends and relatives to grow weary of me
And, even if I try to attract them with generosity, they will not trust me.
In short, there is no one,
Who can live happily with anger.

Although the enemy of anger
Creates sufferings such as these,
Whoever works hard to overcome it
Will find only happiness in this and future lives.

Through having to do what I do not want to do
Or being prevented from doing what I want to do,
I develop mental unhappiness, which becomes the fuel
That causes anger to grow and destroy me.

Therefore, I should never allow this fuel of mental unhappiness
That causes anger to grow within my mind,
For this enemy of anger has no function
Other than to harm me.

I will not allow anything that happens to me
To disturb my mental peace.
If I become unhappy, I shall be unable to fulfill my spiritual wishes
And my practice of virtue will decline.

If something can be remedied
Why be unhappy about it?
And if there is no remedy for it,
There is still no point in being unhappy.

Source: Relying on Patience from Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Age of Horus

There is a story in Egyptian mythology that goes like this: The goddess Isis married her older brother Osiris and they were deeply in love. Set, a demon of envy, set about to destroy their happiness. Set murdered Osiris. Then, to prevent the possibility of his resurrection, he dismembered Osiris' body and scattered the parts in various places along the Nile River. When Isis learned what Set had done, she asked Thoth, the god of Eternity, to stop the flow of time for a while. With time stopped, Isis traveled up and down the banks of the Nile, recovering all of Osiris' body parts before the sun set. When she found all of them, she performed the Black Rite, bringing Osiris back to life. After that eternity gave birth to Time again, and history continued on. Horus is the child of this love between Isis and Osiris.

In his introduction to The Book of the Law, a brilliant and catastrophic work penned in 1904, Aleister Crowley described the world from the eyes of the occultist. He said the world is entering the Age of Horus, and therefore is going through a period of violent change.

Crowley explained that certain vast stars, or "aggregates of experience," may be described as gods. Each god has been in charge of the destinies of the Earth for periods of about 2,000 years. In the history of the world, Crowley said it is believed there have only been three such Gods. They are:

--"Isis, the mother, when the Universe was conceived as simple nourishment drawn directly from her; this period is marked by matriarchal government." In other words, women ruled the governments of the world. They were seen as goddesses.

--Osiris, the father, began his reign about 500 BC. At this time the Universe was imagined as catastrophic. Crowley said love, death and resurrection were the ways by which individuals built up experience. Kings ruled the earth during this period.

--Now Horus, the child, is coming into power. Crowley wrote: "this period involves the recognition of the individual as the unit of society. Every event, including death, is only one more accretion to our experience, freely willed by ourselves from the beginning and therefore also predestined."

Horus is a combination of twin gods called Ra-Hoor-Khuit and Hoor-Paar-Kraat. He is symbolized as a hawk-headed god when on his throne.

Remember that Crowley wrote the following description of the regime under Horus in 1904. He said:

"Everywhere his government is taking root. Observe for yourselves the decay of the sense of sin, the growth of innocence and irresponsibility, the strange modifications of the reproductive instinct with a tendency to become bi-sexual or epicene, the childlike confidence in progress combined with a nightmare fear of catastrophe, against which we are yet half unwilling to take precautions. Consider the outcrop of dictatorships, only possible when moral growth is in its earliest stages, and the prevalence of infantile cults like Communism, Fascism, Pacifism, health crazes, occultism in nearly all its forms, religions sentimentalized to a point of practical extinction. Consider the populatiry of the cinema, the wireless, the football pools and guessing competitions, all devices for soothing fractious infants, no seed of purpose in them. Consider sport, the babyish enthusiasms and rages which it excites, whole nations disturbed by disputes between boys. Consider war, the atrocities which occur daily and leave us unmoved and hardly worried. We are children."


Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Repentance right now is necessary and positive.

Use Willpower, Conceive, Visualize, Attain.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sexual Balance

As individuals we create events within our life that can help us develop and learn. I also believe that as a society we can create events through our combined consciousness, these events can serve for us to grow and learn together. This is how I have chosen to view the recent events surrounding Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly and his comments on women, and inadvertently men.

Race and religion aside, this whole event is offering us an experience to look at the balance between male and female energies. How we deal with these on an individual level and then how does this work on a social scale.

We have traditional roles and expectations of male and female energies. Masculinity is often seen as strength, protection, aggression and the warrior. Feminity is traditionally soft, gentle, nurturing and the goddess. If we express any qualities that are defined as outside the “guidelines” of our biology we can be ridiculed and even ostracised. This has been key in many supressing their homosexuality as they try to fit into society.

If we can stop and understand even basic biology we will see that even on a chemical level we all have aspects of male and female within us. Male and females both have oestrogen and testosterone. It is the levels of each that differs between the sexes. We both carry an X chromosome, it is the addition of the Y or X from the sperm that determines sex. However there are many combinations ranging from the XY and XX to XXY, XYY and so on that are possible. The blends that occur at our cellular level are many, yet as beings we are divided into two simple groups.

As new energy develops and our consciousness expands can we now truly own and love whatever the blend is that we have chosen for ouselves to experience in this lifetime? For me this means embracing whatever qualities I know are being true to my heart without the overlay of filtering how I believe I should be interacting with society because I was born a woman. I breathe that limitation away.

When we can start to accept ourselves and live our life breathing our worthiness and value we create an energy around us that people respond to. Sure some people may still feel uncomfortable but we know this is about their fears and limitations. Others in turn will find strength from your example.

This is neither a feminist or homosexual stance. This is a human being stance.

Accept yourself, love yourself first and foremost. This is the foundation of compassion. For when we accept ourselves we can then truly respect and honour others. Just imagine that energy flowing around society.