Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Truth is Never Pretty - 1

"Yes, I will admit it. I am attracted to insecure, pansy white men who fuck really well because, I want to take care of them emotionally, ie. be their savior and allow them to take control of me sexually, and fuck a lot"

No Sex Please, We're Middle Class

WILL women soon have a Viagra of their own? Although a Food and Drug Administration advisory panel recently rejected an application to market the drug flibanserin in the United States for women with low libido, it endorsed the potential benefits and urged further research. Several pharmaceutical companies are reported to be well along in the search for such a drug.

The implication is that a new pill, despite its unforeseen side effects, is necessary to cure the sexual malaise that appears to have sunk over the country. But to what extent do these complaints about sexual apathy reflect a medical reality, and how much do they actually emanate from the anxious, overachieving, white upper middle class?

In the 1950s, female “frigidity” was attributed to social conformism and religious puritanism. But since the sexual revolution of the 1960s, American society has become increasingly secular, with a media environment drenched in sex.

The real culprit, originating in the 19th century, is bourgeois propriety. As respectability became the central middle-class value, censorship and repression became the norm. Victorian prudery ended the humorous sexual candor of both men and women during the agrarian era, a ribaldry chronicled from Shakespeare’s plays to the 18th-century novel. The priggish 1950s, which erased the liberated flappers of the Jazz Age from cultural memory, were simply a return to the norm.

Only the diffuse New Age movement, inspired by nature-keyed Asian practices, has preserved the radical vision of the modern sexual revolution. But concrete power resides in America’s careerist technocracy, for which the elite schools, with their ideological view of gender as a social construct, are feeder cells.

In the discreet white-collar realm, men and women are interchangeable, doing the same, mind-based work. Physicality is suppressed; voices are lowered and gestures curtailed in sanitized office space. Men must neuter themselves, while ambitious women postpone procreation. Androgyny is bewitching in art, but in real life it can lead to stagnation and boredom, which no pill can cure.

Meanwhile, family life has put middle-class men in a bind; they are simply cogs in a domestic machine commanded by women. Contemporary moms have become virtuoso super-managers of a complex operation focused on the care and transport of children. But it’s not so easy to snap over from Apollonian control to Dionysian delirium.

Nor are husbands offering much stimulation in the male display department: visually, American men remain perpetual boys, as shown by the bulky T-shirts, loose shorts and sneakers they wear from preschool through midlife. The sexes, which used to occupy intriguingly separate worlds, are suffering from over-familiarity, a curse of the mundane. There’s no mystery left.

The elemental power of sexuality has also waned in American popular culture. Under the much-maligned studio production code, Hollywood made movies sizzling with flirtation and romance. But from the early ’70s on, nudity was in, and steamy build-up was out. A generation of filmmakers lost the skill of sophisticated innuendo. The situation worsened in the ’90s, when Hollywood pirated video games to turn women into cartoonishly pneumatic superheroines and sci-fi androids, fantasy figures without psychological complexity or the erotic needs of real women.

Furthermore, thanks to a bourgeois white culture that values efficient bodies over voluptuous ones, American actresses have desexualized themselves, confusing sterile athleticism with female power. Their current Pilates-honed look is taut and tense — a boy’s thin limbs and narrow hips combined with amplified breasts. Contrast that with Latino and African-American taste, which runs toward the healthy silhouette of the bootylicious BeyoncĂ©.

A class issue in sexual energy may be suggested by the apparent striking popularity of Victoria’s Secret and its racy lingerie among multiracial lower-middle-class and working-class patrons, even in suburban shopping malls, which otherwise trend toward the white middle class. Country music, with its history in the rural South and Southwest, is still filled with blazingly raunchy scenarios, where the sexes remain dynamically polarized in the old-fashioned way.

On the other hand, rock music, once sexually pioneering, is in the dumps. Black rhythm and blues, born in the Mississippi Delta, was the driving force behind the great hard rock bands of the ’60s, whose cover versions of blues songs were filled with electrifying sexual imagery. The Rolling Stones’ hypnotic recording of Willie Dixon’s “Little Red Rooster,” with its titillating phallic exhibitionism, throbs and shimmers with sultry heat.

But with the huge commercial success of rock, the blues receded as a direct influence on young musicians, who simply imitated the white guitar gods without exploring their roots. Step by step, rock lost its visceral rawness and seductive sensuality. Big-ticket rock, with its well-heeled middle-class audience, is now all superego and no id.

In the 1980s, commercial music boasted a beguiling host of sexy pop chicks like Deborah Harry, Belinda Carlisle, Pat Benatar, and a charmingly ripe Madonna. Late Madonna, in contrast, went bourgeois and turned scrawny. Madonna’s dance-track acolyte, Lady Gaga, with her compulsive overkill, is a high-concept fabrication without an ounce of genuine eroticism.

Pharmaceutical companies will never find the holy grail of a female Viagra — not in this culture driven and drained by middle-class values. Inhibitions are stubbornly internal. And lust is too fiery to be left to the pharmacist.

Camille Paglia, a professor of humanities and media studies at the University of the Arts, is the author of “Sexual Personae.”

June 25, 2010 -

Friday, June 25, 2010

When Love is a One-Night Stand

When Love is a One-Night Stand
By Henry Makow

September 12, 2004

What do you trust? Government, Paper or Gold?

When I was younger I couldn't understand what women wanted.

This is because women themselves didn't know.

Feminism told them to be independent, to have careers and lovers. But their instincts told them to get married and have children.

Recently Mary, an American woman living in London England wrote:

I am 39, twice divorced, childless and could not understand why it is so difficult for me to find Mr Right. Thanks to your website now I know exactly why. I will show one of your articles to my lady friends [who] are very unhappy and complain that most of the men they meet (and we are talking about men over the age of 30, not 15) just want sex and refuse to commit. I have become spiritual as a result of my loneliness and eagerness to procreate.

In the meantime I will read your articles faithfully and thank God that someone has the guts to come out with the truth. For the past five years I kept asking myself why my life has turned out as unfulfilling as it has whereas my mother didn't have that problem (she was born in 1929).

Mary is one of millions of men and women (including myself) who do not have families because of a covert campaign of psychological warfare waged against heterosexual society. This Rockefeller-sponsored program of social engineering and eugenics is waged under the guise of "feminism" and "eqality.". The pill, sexual liberation and the mainstreaming of homosexuality are all part of it.

The aim is to degrade depopulate and destabilize humanity by divorcing sex from procreation and by pretending gender roles are social and not biological in origin.

Women have been brainwashed to usurp the male role and abandon the female. The resulting conflict and confusion leads to a breakdown of marriage and family. This produces dysfunctional people who are obsessed with sex and look to the corporate media and state for values and direction.


Mary identifies the nub of the problem: men "just want sex and refuse to commit."

Young women today act like sex is the only way to attract men. They try to parlay sex appeal into lasting love and family. This is self-defeating. It is sending the wrong message to men.

Ladies, if you want love and family, do not present yourself in sexual terms. Why try to differentiate yourself in terms that practically any young woman can provide? No wonder you are dumped!

Instead present yourself as potential life partners: wives and mothers. In other words, dress modestly and prepare to be indispensable to the man and children you will love. Learn the skills of a homemaker and helpmate.

Yesterday a female cashier at Safeway shocked me by smiling. I quickly realized that it was part of her job. Female charm (warmth, grace, cheerfulness, attentiveness, modesty) have been crushed under the jackboot of feminism.

Ladies, make sure a man is worthy of you. Don't get involved with sexual nomads who haven't time for courtship and marriage.

Sex is the sacred ritual of procreation. Sex should always take place in the context of love, preferably marriage.

Our children are literally part of us. They represent our organic growth. It is healthy, natural and normal to feel possessive about them. They are us.


Promiscuity is not normal or natural for heterosexuals. As I have said elsewhere, the heterosexual bond is built on trust. Trust is based on monogamy.

The Illuminist cult that rules the world portrays traditional morality as "old fashioned." Traditional morality represents the accumulated wisdom of mankind regarding happiness. Our moral conduct contributes more to our health than diet and exercise.

Monogamy is good for men too. A friend wrote: "Men get their sense of self worth from the love and respect they get from their families, the honest production they create at the work place and they feel good about what they are doing when they believe that they are building a better world for their children. All of this has been taken from us Henry. It is so sickening that very few men have the courage to look at any part of it."

Women also depend on a man (their husband) for personal fulfillment. This is why they obsess about love and marriage.

In marriage, a man assumes a responsibility to fulfill his wife as a woman, i.e. as a life partner and mother. Women are different from men. They are instruments, vehicles. They need to be cared for and used for a higher purpose or they will rot on the vine or explode with frustration.

Sex is a small part of life. We live in a bizarre precarious world and we need to choose real people with character and ability to be our mates. Love grows from day-to-day caring over a long period of time.


Marriage is not about sex and mutual adoration. That gets boring fast. It is about getting things done, doing God's work at home and in society.

They've tried to discredit God by blaming Him for everything that goes wrong. God is not a fixer: He is a spiritual ideal: absolute truth, justice, goodness and love. Our ability to perceive these ideals is what makes us human.

We are intended to embody these ideals and bring them into the world. If we don't, it won't happen and we will deservedly suffer the consequences. So will our progeny. Most people care about their children but pay little heed to the real state of the world they will inhabit.

Thus the proper focus of marriage is not the man and woman, but on God. In particular, the man should have a vision of how he will serve God. The wife should choose a man whose vision she can share.

What do women really want? They want to weave a web of love. This is a family devoted to spiritual ideals.


Other articles:
Why Some Women Are Desperate

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sun Signs in Love

Aries - The Egomaniac
At the beginning of a love affair Aries can be the ideal lover, but when it ends there is resentment and even hate. Aries welcomes love readily but cannot endure any tests of his love or demands from the loved one.

Taurus - The Insensitive Bully
Many Taurians choose not to fall in love, for they need their freedom in order to pursue their business interests. For them, love is an unnecessary distraction that might interfere with their career. Taurians are practical in love above all else.

Gemini - The Divine Discontent

A typical Gemini affair may begin through a brief meeting, on a journey for instance - an encounter that requires very little emotional responsibility and can be kept alive through correspondence, which may last for years. This allows Gemini to remain uncommitted and free, an idea state since, like all air signs, Gemini prizes freedom.

Cancer - The Oedipal Complainer
The Cancer man falls in love readily and becomes totally involved emotionally. Because he has a lively imagination, he tends to dramatize his love affairs and can even create an intense emotional attachment to someone whose affection for him is either very slight or even non-existent. Cancer is extremely jealous and possessive, harboring torturous suspicions that his lover is faithless. The female Cancer, who can be as jealous as her male counterpart, is capable of handling more than one lover, but being possessive, she must own them all. They are like playthings to her, to be manipulated and moved about like soldiers.

Leo - The Prima Donna
Leo is very dramatic about love and wants the whole world to love as ardently as he does, for he is always in love. Love ennobles Leo and makes him generous and enthusiastic. But he must keep his lover in the dependent position and will smolder if he is not exalted or adored.

Virgo - The Censor
When Virgo falls in love, it is purely for sex. The lover must be able to satisfy Virgo's considerable sexual needs. Each new image arouses sexual desire, but so long as you can remain sexually attractive to Virgo, you will retain his love. The slower you are in yielding your gifts, the longer you can keep the affair alive. Nothing is more unattractive to him than easy surrender, which stamps you as cheap and worthless.

Libra - The Narcissist

Librans work hard to keep lovers coming and going. At first they will give you constant attention until you are completely involved but soon the demands of keeping up the lover affair will become too much for them and you will become part of the background. Librans will never relinquish their lovers completely, for they may be needed again. The primary function of a lover is to amuse, satisfy, admire, and exalt Libra, and if you are easily won, the excitement is blunted. If Libra is rejected, he becomes completely demoralized; he cannot believe that anyone could weary of him, those he does nothing to deserve love.

Scorpio - The Sex-Obsessed Demoralizer

Whatever is left over will be given to a lover. Both male and female Scorpios are always discontented in love and complain constantly about the loved one, usually that they are not loved sufficiently. A Scorpio often feels that his lover is weak and inattentive, and unable to appease Scorpio’s voracious appetite. For a love affair to run smoothly, Scorpio’s loved one must be submissive with no life of his or her own the lover must allow himself/herself to be absorbed body and soul.

Sagittarius - The Don Juan

Sagittarians fall in love at first sight and idolize the image of their loved one. From then on, they are making love to an ideal, rather than a real person. Even when they are in love, however, they can easily fall in love with another, for there is always some new feature to attract them. They are incorrigible flirts and each new conquest reinforces their behavior – but they never know when to stop. They collect lovers indiscriminately, often becoming involved on impulse with worthless people.

Capricorn - The Honor Seeker
Earth signs are never thought of as having a sense of romance, nor are they given credit for knowing or caring much about love. Taurus pursues money, Virgo is busily managing and supervising, and Capricorn is organizing the show and achieving his ambitions. But in actual fact, Capricorn does care a great deal about love, which is often a source of inspiration to him. Capricorn is probably the best sexual performer of the zodiac, though his quiet manner and desire for privacy often hide this considerable talent from view.

Aquarius - The Fame Freak
One cannot expect a smoothly running love affair with an Aquarius, who will become bored with a lover as quickly as he falls in love. Everything is done in extremes. Relationships will start off with a bang, and you will be given undivided attention until the excitement wears off. At that point you will be dropped without ceremony if the initial feeling can never be revived. You will be treated like a stranger as soon as the affair is over unless you are clever enough to transform the relationship into a form of friendship.

Pisces - The Spiritual Panhandler
Pisceans need the constant reassurance of love. They become hurt and dejected if those around them fail to make frequent loving gestures. They get loved mixed up with affection – and affection is what they really crave. Fuss over them, and their gratitude can be embarrassingly servile and effusive. Do not be too flattered when you are singled out by a Piscean, for he will cling to whoever is nearest to him. Pisceans long for love, hunger for friends, and will set about claiming you for their own. It is not necessarily you they want, however; it is the romantic atmosphere of love that sets their emotional craving into action.

Source: Sun-Sign Revelations, Maria Elise Crummere

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

From One of My Favorite Male Friends

My Mom once told me a story about my Grandpa that filled me with pride and made me praise our genetics. My Grandma wanted to move to Seal Beach but my Grandpa, then 91 years old, didn't, he was happy Living in Pahrump, Nevada. He was happy because once a week he would visit the local brothel and bang a young prostitute. He stated in his soft spoken voice that he, "liked the young girls because they had pep." My Grandma had lost all interest in sex by then and my Grandpa's activities apparently didn't bother her. At 91 my Grandpa was still fucking. I hope I'm that lucky.

Do You Ever Think Sex is Just Sex?

He Said: "No because every girl fucks differently and I'd have to figure out how her body moves and how it moves with mine."

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Good Friend Once Told Me

"Women relieve stress by talking about their stressors. Men relieve stress by having sex."

Key Words for Living

Communication: The imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs

Trust: Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc.; of a person or thing; confidence

Integrity: Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character, honesty

Respect: Esteem for a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability

Selfish: 1. Devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interest, benefits, welfare, etc. regardless of others
2. Characterized by or manifesting concern or care only for oneself

Conscience: The inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct of motives; impelling on toward right action.

Moral: Of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical

Moral Conscience:
The awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one's conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong

Patience: 1. the quality of being patience, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.
2. an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay
3.quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempted care; diligence

Similar words to patience: composure, stability, self-possession, submissiveness, sufferance, endurance, fortitude, stoicism


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sometimes the Truth Hurts

Next Step - Pity or empowerment?

The Peter Pan Syndrome

Peter Pan Syndrome - Men's Failed Relationships

1. Puer aeternus is Latin for eternal boy, used in mythology to designate a child-god who is forever young; psychologically it refers to an older man whose emotional life has remained at an adolescent level, usually coupled with too great a dependence on the mother. (Wiki)

2. Relationships with Women - When the male forms attachment with a woman they

  • Are prone to extreme jealousy and violent outbursts
  • Cannot accept a woman asserting any independence. Becomes easily provoked and gets into fits of rage

He becomes protective of the woman only if her dependence on him is complete. The fear of impotency and rejection contributes to verbally abusive behavior. Though he may appear strong and assertive to the woman, in reality he feels threatened by her independence. They are unable to share their own sensitivity with women as they fear appearing weak and unmanly in front of friends. (CopperWiki)

3. Males diagnosed with this syndrome

  • Find it hard to show their love and express their feelings
  • Lose touch with their emotions and have no idea what they feel
  • Procrastinate and put off making a commitment
  • Feel guilty and blame others for everything
  • Have difficulty in relaxing and are always tense
  • Have no real connection with friends. Believes friends can only be bought
  • Easily panics and feels desperately alone in their attempts to belong
  • Alcohol or drug abuse is used to get high in order to drown out the existence of daily life challenges
  • Have a problem with their mother
  • Don't get on with the Dad and probably not even talking to them
  • They believe their parents don't love them and never approve of what they do
  • Have problems with authority figures
  • Tend to be emotionally immature and exhibit silly behavior
  • Have a macho attitude that hides their deep inner insecurities in attempts to hide the fear of rejection
  • Become extremely jealous and exhibit violent outbursts
  • Become easily provoked to fits of rage when a woman asserts any independence

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Madonna/Whore Complex

According to Wiki:

According to Freudian psychology, this complex often develops when the sufferer is raised by a cold and distant mother. Such a man will often court women with qualities of his mother, hoping to fulfill a need for intimacy unmet in childhood. Often, the wife begins to be seen as mother to the husband—a "Madonna" figure—and thus not a possible object of sexual attraction. For this reason, in the mind of the sufferer, love and sex cannot be mixed, and the man is reluctant to have sexual relations with his wife, for that, he thinks unconsciously, would be an incest. He will reserve sexuality for "bad" or "dirty" women, and will not develop "normal" feelings of love in these sexual relationships. This introduces a dilemma where men may feel unable to love any women who can satisfy them sexually and are unable to be sexually satisfied by any women who they can love.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sluts, Part 1

What is your definition of a slut?

Guy 1: A woman who only cares to sleep with men in power, men with money, CEOs.

Guy 2: A woman who sleeps with so-called "hot" but loser hipster guys.

Guy 3: A woman who sleeps with all the wrong people, ie. having no standards, no discretion whatsoever.

Guy 4: Someone who just sleeps with anyone. Regardless of anything.

Guy 5: A slut is someone that I don't get with.

Girl 1: A woman who has no female friends, and is unfriendly to other women because she's sees them as a threat or competition to her sexuality.

Girl 2: A girl who has more of an agenda besides lots of sex, or a girl who really will sleep with anyone, with no standards what so ever

Girl 3: I think a slut is someone who will have sex with anyone to gain acceptance depending on the situation, ie. self esteem, security, self-acceptance etc. A slut is someone who will have sex not because she wants it or enjoys it but rather does it for another reason, or someone who can't get dudes' attentions and hence either dresses like she is a slut or just behaves like one.

Defintion according to Wiki: Slut or slattern is a pejorative term meaning an individual who is sexually promiscuous. The term is generally applied to women and used as an insult or offensive term of disparagement, meaning "dirty or slovenly."